aseyeh shamradloo; Diba Seyf
The aim of the present study was to compare the self-determination and its dimensions between students with and without intellectual disability. Research methodology is the form of scientific-comparison. The population of the study consisted of all students with and without intellectual disability age ...
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The aim of the present study was to compare the self-determination and its dimensions between students with and without intellectual disability. Research methodology is the form of scientific-comparison. The population of the study consisted of all students with and without intellectual disability age 14 years and older which in educated year 91-92 are educating at schools in shiraz. The participans of this study were 120 students (60 with intellectual disability and 60 without intellectual disability) with age of 14 and above, which in targeted way were selected from the school related to with and without intellectual disability students. In this research, self-determination and its dimensions were evaluated by using Self-Determination Scale (,2012). In order to analysis the data, two way analyse of variance and repeated measures were used. The results indicated that students with intellectual disability gain lower score in self-determination rather than student without intellectual disability. Also there were not significant difference between boys and girls in total scores of self-determination, behavior autonomy and psychologically empowered dimensions. Only in self-realization there was a significant difference between girls and boys. The other results of this research is that, among the different dimension of self-determination between two groups students with and without intellectual disability, the higher rank accrued to psychological empowerment and the lower rank accrued to behavioral autonomy. Also according to the parents education levels, there was significant difference in total score of self-determination and its dimensions between both groups of students with and without intellectual disability.
Majid Omidikhankahdani; Shahla Alborzi
Volume 4, Issue 13 , December 2014, , Pages 103-118
mohammadmehdi teimori; shahla alborzi; ghorban hemati; fariba khoshbakht
Volume 4, Issue 16 , September 2014, , Pages 117-137
The purpose of the present study was to comparemoral judgment in students with and without intellectual disability in Shiraz. Theresearch method was causal-comparative, and the statistical population includedthe secondary students with and without intellectual disability ageing 16 yearsold. The sample ...
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The purpose of the present study was to comparemoral judgment in students with and without intellectual disability in Shiraz. Theresearch method was causal-comparative, and the statistical population includedthe secondary students with and without intellectual disability ageing 16 yearsold. The sample size was 160 students (80 with intellectual disability and 80without intellectual disability). These students were selected by a cluster samplingmethod. The Moral Judgment Scale was used to measure moral judgment. Thecollected data were analyzed by t-test, MANOVA and two-way ANOVA. The resultsindicated that there was a significant difference between the two groups in thetotal scores of moral judgment and its dimensions (p<0.01). Also, the resultsshowed that there were no significant differences between males and females in thisrespect (p>0.05).According to the findings, it is suggested that any plan topromote and internalize students' moral values must be considered based ontheir cognitive development level, because there is a relationship betweenmoral and cognitive development of students.