zahra zarekhalili; Mehran Soleymani; Qorban HemmatiAlamdarlou,; hassan yaghoubi
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Snoezelen method on the symptoms of children with autism spectrum disorder. The research method was quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test design with control group. The statistical population of the present study was all children with autism ...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Snoezelen method on the symptoms of children with autism spectrum disorder. The research method was quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test design with control group. The statistical population of the present study was all children with autism spectrum disorder, from which a sample of 30 people was selected by convenience sampling method and randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. So that each group was 15 people and from both groups pre-test was performed and the experimental group received the Snoezelen method in 40 sessions while the control group was not presented with this intervention and at the end for both groups the post-test was performed. The instrument used in this study was the Gilliam (Garz) survival rating scale. Data analysis using univariate analysis of covariance and multivariate covariance showed that the mean scores of autism syndrome and its sub-comparisons (social interaction and communication) increased significantly and stereotyped behavior decreased P (<0/05). The findings indicate that the Snoezelen method improves autism in children with autism spectrum disorder. Therefore, it is recommended to design and implement Snoezelen program to improve autism.
mohammadmehdi teimori; shahla alborzi; ghorban hemati; fariba khoshbakht
Volume 4, Issue 16 , September 2014, , Pages 117-137
The purpose of the present study was to comparemoral judgment in students with and without intellectual disability in Shiraz. Theresearch method was causal-comparative, and the statistical population includedthe secondary students with and without intellectual disability ageing 16 yearsold. The sample ...
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The purpose of the present study was to comparemoral judgment in students with and without intellectual disability in Shiraz. Theresearch method was causal-comparative, and the statistical population includedthe secondary students with and without intellectual disability ageing 16 yearsold. The sample size was 160 students (80 with intellectual disability and 80without intellectual disability). These students were selected by a cluster samplingmethod. The Moral Judgment Scale was used to measure moral judgment. Thecollected data were analyzed by t-test, MANOVA and two-way ANOVA. The resultsindicated that there was a significant difference between the two groups in thetotal scores of moral judgment and its dimensions (p<0.01). Also, the resultsshowed that there were no significant differences between males and females in thisrespect (p>0.05).According to the findings, it is suggested that any plan topromote and internalize students' moral values must be considered based ontheir cognitive development level, because there is a relationship betweenmoral and cognitive development of students.
Azam Moradi; Qorban HemmatiAlamdarlou,; Amir Qamarani
Volume 3, Issue 11 , March 2013, , Pages 107-126
The present research aims to study the effect ofemployment status, marital status, education level, intensity of disability andgender on the total rate of mental health as well as physical symptoms,anxiety, social maladjustment, and depression in physically disabled persons inIsfahan city. The research ...
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The present research aims to study the effect ofemployment status, marital status, education level, intensity of disability andgender on the total rate of mental health as well as physical symptoms,anxiety, social maladjustment, and depression in physically disabled persons inIsfahan city. The research method was that of causal-comparative. Thestatistical population included all disabled people in Isfahan, from amongwhich 100 subjects were randomly selected. The 28-item General HealthQuestionnaire (GHQ-28) was used to assess the psychological status of theparticipants. The results of MANOVA showed that employment status significantlyaffected the total score of GHQ (P<0.01), physical symptoms (P<0.05), andanxiety (P<0.05). Also, marital status significantly affected the totalscore of GHQ (P<0.05) and depression (P.0.01). However, the education level,intensity of disability, and gender had no significant effect on total score ofGHQ, physical symptoms, anxiety, social maladjustment, and depression variables.The research findings suggest that physically disabled peopleshould be provided with the appropriate opportunities for marriage andemployment, so that their psychological status can be improved