nastaran seiedesmseeli ghomi; farangis kazemi; shahla pezeshk
Thepurpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of stress reductionprogram training based onmindfulness on stress levels of mothers withintellectually disabled children. Research method was quasi-experimental designwith pretest-posttest and control group. The statistical population of thisstudy ...
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Thepurpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of stress reductionprogram training based onmindfulness on stress levels of mothers withintellectually disabled children. Research method was quasi-experimental designwith pretest-posttest and control group. The statistical population of thisstudy was all the mothers of intellectually disabled preschool children ofShohadaSchool in the city of Marlikin year 2012-2013.Among these mothers, 24mothers whose stress scores were one standard deviation above the mean wereselected using simple random sampling and they were assigned randomly intoexperimental (12) and control (12) groups. The experimental group received 8sessions of stress reduction program training based on mindfulness. To collectdata,the 52-item Frederick Stress Resources Questionnaire (QRS-F) was used.Data were analyzed by ANCOVA statistical method. The results showed that theresearch hypothesis has been approved and the mothers in the experimental grouphad significantly lower stress than the mothers in the control group inposttest. It can be concluded that stress reduction program training based onmindfulness has a significant impact on reducing stress in mothers withintellectually disabled children.