Tayyebeh Yeganeh; Abbasali Hossein-Khanzadeh; Mohammadreza Zarbakhsh
Volume 3, Issue 11 , March 2013
Giventhe emphasis the specialists put on the necessity of mental health interventions for elementary school children as aprimary prevention, and also their focus on the treatment and development ofmental health, the present research aims to study the effectiveness of cognitiveـbehavioral social skills ...
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Giventhe emphasis the specialists put on the necessity of mental health interventions for elementary school children as aprimary prevention, and also their focus on the treatment and development ofmental health, the present research aims to study the effectiveness of cognitiveـbehavioral social skills training onreducing symptoms of students with externalizingbehavioral disorders.This was an experimental research with apre-test and post-test design, with a two-month follow-up period. Thestatistical population included all female elementary school students withexternalizing behavior disorders studying at 5th and 6thgrades in Langarud city in the educational year 2012-2013. Using multi-stagecluster sampling method, 30 subjects were selected and randomly assigned intothe two experiment and control groups. The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) wasused to evaluate the rate of externalizing behavioral disorders in students.The Walker Social SkillsCurriculumwas presented in 17 sessions during two months tothe experiment group. The data were analyzed using repeatedmeasures/mixed-model ANOVA and the Bonferroni test. The results showed thatthere was a significant difference between the rate of symptoms of externalizingbehavior disorders in both control and experiment groups duringpost-test and follow-up stage. Moreover, social skill training withcognitive-behavioral approach proved to be an effective intervention inreducing the symptoms of externalizing behavior disorders