Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in psychology. Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Iranstudent

2 department of psychology, faculty of educational science and psychology, mohaghegh ardabili university, ardabil, iran



In the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, due to the communication limitations, the possibility of suffering from mental health disorders is higher, this communication limitation increases the possibility of isolation and addiction disorders, as well as the research sources of addiction disorders in the deaf and The hearing impaired are very limited and its lack is felt; Therefore, the main goal of this research was to systematically review the types of addictive disorders in the deaf and hard of hearing community.

Statistical population, types of addictive disorders in deaf and hard of hearing, which was conducted in the last 11 years (1390-1401) in Persian sources and the last 18 years (2023-2005) in English sources, in the form of articles published in scientific-research journals. To find Persian articles, search the Internet using the following keywords: addiction and the deaf, alcohol and the deaf, drug use and the deaf, smoking and the deaf, social networks and the deaf in internal databases: Mag-Iran Publications Information Bank, Silvica, scientific database. Academic Jihad and Research Institute of Scientific Information and Documents of Iran took place. Foreign databases, Science Direct, IEEE PubMed, Springer, PsychInfo, and Web of Science were reviewed for English articles. After reviewing the articles, 100 English and Farsi articles were selected. The results of the survey showed that the highest frequency of addiction disorders in the deaf and hard of hearing is related to drug use (41.66%), smoking (25%), and alcohol consumption (20.83%). Meanwhile, addiction to virtual networks (12.5%) has the lowest frequency.
