Document Type : Research Paper



Purpose: The current study was designed to investigate nature and direction of relationship between thought and language. For this aim, concept formation in deaf and hearing students compared until influence of lack and delay in language instruction and also differential language input (sign language) upon concept formation and subsequently thought evaluated.
Method: The statistical population is thehearing- impaired including all 5 – 17 years deaf people in an educational center, under the supervision of Qazvin exceptional institution, who receive educations and the non –impaired group includes all 5 – 17 years hearing people in kindergartens, elementary, secondary and high schools of Qazvin. TheSample groupincluded three 30-members groups (hearing, profound deafness and moderate deafness). Each groups consist of 15 girls and 15 boys (pre operational age (5), concrete operational age (5) and formal operational age (5) and a 20-members group (mild deafness) which is composed of 10 girls and 10 boys (concrete operational (5) and formal operational (5). Tools of research were Vygotskii’s concept formation test and data was analyzed with SPSS software and by using one-way Anova, multiday ANOVA, Tuckey post hoc and independent sample T tests analysis.
Results: indicate that appearance and development of real concepts in deaf and hearing children is equal and concept formation in preoperational and concrete operational don’t show significant difference, but in formal operational group there was a significant difference between hearing and deaf people in concept formation. From agents of age, gender and deafness, only the age affected the concept formation, deafness only in formal operational groups influenced concept formation. Girls and boys show similar functioning in concept formation.
Conclusion and Recommendations: With regard to limitations of this study, future researches should make use of random sampling and more agents must be considered.


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