Hamza Mirzai; Salar Faramarzi; Mojtaba Jahanifar; Amir Masnavi
The aim of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of the educational package of the multimedia learning environment model on academic engagement and Academic incivility in students with specific learning disorders. The statistical population included all children with special learning disabilities ...
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The aim of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of the educational package of the multimedia learning environment model on academic engagement and Academic incivility in students with specific learning disorders. The statistical population included all children with special learning disabilities in the third and fourth grades of primary school in the academic year 2022-2023 in Esfahan, of which 30 were selected in an available manner and finally were randomly divided into two groups of 15 (experimental and control). Participants completed Clark et al.'s (2015) Academic Incivility Questionnaire and Reeve's (2013) Academic Engagement Questionnaire for the pre-test. In the following, the desired training package was implemented for the experimental group for 8 sessions, each session lasting 45-60 minutes. While the group did not receive a training certificate. In the end, the experimental and control groups completed the Academic Incivility Questionnaire and the Academic Engagement Questionnaire as a post-test. Finally, the data were analyzed using SPSS-24 software using the method of variance analysis with repeated measurements. The analysis of the research data showed that the educational package of the multimedia learning environment model has significantly led to the improvement of academic engagement and Academic incivility (p<0.001). Therefore, it can be concluded that the educational package of the multimedia learning environment model was effective in increasing academic engagement and reducing the Academic incivility of students with specific learning disorders and its durability remained after two months.
reza tarkhan
The aim of this study was to investigate The mediating role of positive parenting in the relationship between parents' resilience and the quality of life of children with learning disabilities.The research method was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of data collection ...
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The aim of this study was to investigate The mediating role of positive parenting in the relationship between parents' resilience and the quality of life of children with learning disabilities.The research method was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of data collection method. The statistical population of the study included all primary school students in Tehran in the academic year of 1996-97 who due to academic and learning problems referred to eight counseling centers in Tehran and were diagnosed with learning disabilities in the assessment., from which 150 students (70 girls and 80 boys) were selected by random sampling. Measurement tools included Academic Resilience Questionnaire of Suzuki et al. (2015), the quality of life of Petri, Miss and Velascamp children (2009) and the positive parenting of Lagar et al. (2006).The results show that the research model has a good fit with the collected data. Also, Parental resilience has a direct effect on positive parenting and children's quality of life. The indirect effect of parental resilience on the quality of life of children through positive parenting mediation was also significant. Thus, it should be said that parental resilience can affect the quality of life of children both directly and indirectly and through positive parenting. The results of this study are a message that educators to improve the quality of life of children with learning disabilities, can educate and promote resilience and positive parenting of their parents.
azam Saleh Abadi; Alimohammad Naemi
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of self-compassion training on the hope and irrational beliefs of mothers with learning disabilities in the city of Sabzevar. This study was semi-experimentally and the pretest-posttest with a control group was used. The statistical population of ...
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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of self-compassion training on the hope and irrational beliefs of mothers with learning disabilities in the city of Sabzevar. This study was semi-experimentally and the pretest-posttest with a control group was used. The statistical population of the study consisted of all mothers of children with learning disabilities who lived in Sabzevar in between 2018 and 2019. They were selected according to eligibility criteria and assigned to experimental (n = 20) and control (n = 20) groups using random sampling. First, the pre-test using the hopes scale and Irrational Beliefs Life was conducted. Then the experimental group received self-compassion training for 10 sessions of 75 minutes, while the control group received no intervention. At the end of the program, the two groups were given a post-test. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS23 and descriptive statistics methods (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (analysis of covariance) were applied. The results showed that Self-compassion training increases hope and reduce irrational beliefs in mothers with learning disabilities. Therefore, Self-Compassion training is an effective intervention program to help mothers with Learning Disabilities.
najimeh ghorbani; Susan Jabbari
The purpose of this study was to effect of theory of mind training on executive function in male students with learning disabilities. Study method was mid experimental with random design divided into two groups, with pre-test and post-test. The statistical population of this research included all male ...
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The purpose of this study was to effect of theory of mind training on executive function in male students with learning disabilities. Study method was mid experimental with random design divided into two groups, with pre-test and post-test. The statistical population of this research included all male students with learning disabilities in Shiraz city. The sample size was 30 male students with learning disabilities and then randomly placed in two experimental and control groups (15 students in each group). The experimental group was trained in 24 sessions of 45 minutes in Solitude. To collet data, neurological guestionnaire of coolidge ( 2002) was used. Data analysis by using covariance analysis showed that mean score of executive function and its subscale (decision making-planning, organization, inhibition) in the experiment group were significantly increased (p<0/001). Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that since the majority of people with learning disabilities disorder have deficiency in executive functions, theory of mind education can be used as one of the complementary methods of treatment in these individuals
yousef dehghani; sadegh hekmatian; marzyeh pasalari
This research was conducted in order to compare academic hope, academic buoyancy and academic engagement in students with learning disabilities and ordinal students. The research method was causal-comparative. The statistical population of the study consisted of all student with learning disabilities ...
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This research was conducted in order to compare academic hope, academic buoyancy and academic engagement in students with learning disabilities and ordinal students. The research method was causal-comparative. The statistical population of the study consisted of all student with learning disabilities and ordinal students of Bousher City in the academic year 2017-2018. One hundred students were selected as the sample by using simple sampling method. To collect the data, academic hope, academic buoyancy and academic engagement scales were used. The data was analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The results of analysis of multivariate variance (MANOVA) showed that there is a significant difference between students with and without learning disabilities in the academic hope, academic buoyancy and academic engagement (p <0/001). These results indicate that there is existence of low academic hope, academic buoyancy and academic engagement in student with learning disabilities.In this students procrastination with academic tasks and lack of positive motivation have an effective role in academic failure and consequently the continuation of this disorder. Therefore, is possible to improve educational performance and mental health of these students through training and applying appropriate educational methods. It also provide the way for all-round advancement for students in terms of academic hope, academic buoyancy and academic engagement.
Alimohammad Naemi
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of positive thinking training on the alexithymia and self- forgiveness of the mothers of children with learning disabilities of Sabzevar in 2017. Semiexperimental pretest-posttest with control-group was used for this study. 34 mothers ...
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The aim of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of positive thinking training on the alexithymia and self- forgiveness of the mothers of children with learning disabilities of Sabzevar in 2017. Semiexperimental pretest-posttest with control-group was used for this study. 34 mothers of children with learning disabilities 6-12 years old were randomly selected and replaced in two groups. After conducting the pre-test using the Torento alexithymia scale (TAS-20) and self-forgiveness scale of Wohl, Deshea & Wahkinney. The experimental group received positive thinking training during twelve sessions 75 minutes, and then the post-test was conducted. Data were compared using covariance analysis. The results showed that positive thinking training increased the Self-Forgiveness and components (Self-Forgivenessf feelings and actions, Self-Forgiveness beliefs) and decreased alexithymia with components (diffculty in identifying feelings, diffculty in describing feelings, and externally oriented thinking). Accordingly, positive thinking training is an effective intervention program for helping mothers of children with learning disabilities.
akram abbariki; bita shalani
Specific learning disability is a neurodevelopmental disorder. Students with this disability, in addition to academic problems, have high levels of socio-emotional problems. The aim of this study was the effectiveness of play with feeling words on reducing alexithymia in students with learning disabilities. ...
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Specific learning disability is a neurodevelopmental disorder. Students with this disability, in addition to academic problems, have high levels of socio-emotional problems. The aim of this study was the effectiveness of play with feeling words on reducing alexithymia in students with learning disabilities. This study is quasi-experimental with pre-post test. The population included all students second to six grade with learning disabilities in Kermanshah that 24 student selected and randomly assigned in two experimental and control groups. The research instrument was Toronto Alexithymia Scale. The experimental group plays feeling words eight sessions 30-minute and twice a week. Covariance analysis indicated that play therapy with feeling words caused reduction in children's alexithymia (P<0/001). Results of this study showed that play therapy with feeling words can be used as a convenient way to help students with learning disorders to reduce their alexithymia. This type of play therapy with symbolic expression of feelings increases ability to express of negative emotions such as anxiety and led to the adaptation.
Niloofar Mikaeili; Masoomeh Esmaeili
This study is aim compared the theory of mind and executive function in students with learning disabilities and normal. The statistical population of this research included all of the students with learning disabilities and normal students in Ardabil were year 91-92 school in Ardabil city school are. ...
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This study is aim compared the theory of mind and executive function in students with learning disabilities and normal. The statistical population of this research included all of the students with learning disabilities and normal students in Ardabil were year 91-92 school in Ardabil city school are. The sample consisted of 60 students (30 normal students and 30 students with learning disabilities) who were selected by random sampling. Students with learning disabilities selected and matched with students normal on the basis of age, gender and grade. false belief test, Trail making test, digit span are used for data collection. For the analysis of test data multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used. The results showed that among students with and without learning disabilities in primary and secondary levels, there were significant differences in theory of mind. (p<0/0001). The results showed that the students with learning disabilities and normal students, there were significant difference in executive functions. (P<0/05). In children with learning disabilities can be said to have a theory of mind skills are impaired. Compared with normal children, children with learning disabilities who have a weak executive functions standardized assessment tools and interventions should be designed according to their.
sdffd dsvgd; sdgsd sdfsdf
This research aimed to assess the efficacy of play therapy on student’s aggression and spelling disorder.This research method was quasi-experimental design from pretest-posttest with control group.The research sample was 24 girl and boy students in zone of dual of Tehran province that by ...
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This research aimed to assess the efficacy of play therapy on student’s aggression and spelling disorder.This research method was quasi-experimental design from pretest-posttest with control group.The research sample was 24 girl and boy students in zone of dual of Tehran province that by convenience sampling with considering of entry criteria selected. Participants were randomly allocated into control and experimental groups.Shahim aggression questionnaires and researcher made of spelling test administered among selected sample.Results indicated that play therapy in the post-test step was effective in reduce aggression and improvement spelling disorder in the experimental group.Overall results indicated the importance and effectiveness of play therapy on aggression and spelling disorder. According to the results, can say that use of play therapy as an effective way and without harmful effects in health centers, useful in reducing aggression and improve spelling disorder.